Thursday, May 29, 2014

To: Graduating Seniors

Graduation. It's here. I can't believe its been a year since I graduated. I've learned a lot during my short time in the "real world." For the last 12 years you've been working towards this day and now that it's finally here you don't know what to do about it. You can't help but wonder, what's next? School has been a constant in your life up until this point. If it hasn't hit you yet that you won't be attending public school in the Fall, it will; when you watch everyone going back to school and going school shopping, that's when it will hit you.

High School, school in general, is familiar territory. It's something you're used to and something you rely on. Don't get me wrong, college is exciting and the unknown is thrilling, but the unknown is also terrifying. I saw this the other day referring to graduation and I couldn't agree more:

You may not realize it now, but you will miss High School. I think about High School often and already wish I could go back, because the truth is High School is easier, more constant than the "real world." 

Change is something I've never liked so graduating High School was hard for me, because graduation=change. Graduating High School comes with a list of changes: people moving away to college, it's the beginning of hard decisons, and if you live around here it means people are leaving on missions. These changes are something I am still dealing with and it doesn't get easier, but it's life. 

Enjoy graduation. Take TONS of pictures!! You'll only graduate High School once, so take it all in. All the stuff that follows graduation will be different, but it's nothing you can't handle. Welcome to the "real world." 

1 comment:

  1. This sounds a lot like a heart to heart..... maybe you should take over my job???? :)
