Thursday, June 4, 2015

My Near-Death Whatever

A year ago today I experienced a miracle. This wasn't just a small everyday miracle, it was a huge miracle.

I was on my way to a hair appointment in Payson. I was in the fast lane and didn't feel the car in front of me was going fast enough so I made the (horrible) decision to move into the carpool lane, just for a minute. I thought I had looked, but as soon as I made my way into the other lane someone honked at me and I swerved back into the fast lane. Unfortunately, there was already someone in the other lane who then honked. Swerving again resulted in over correcting and spinning. The whole situation was very slow motion, I thought about my mom, my sister, my friends. I thought about how at least I got to see the BSB Concert the weekend before. As I was making my 1.5 turn I saw the semi. I knew I was going to hit the semi and there was nothing I could do about it. I tried to lean my body into the seat as much as I could, you know, like you do on roller coasters and braced for impact. As soon as I hit the semi I was thrown back into the carpool lane where I spun a couple more times before my car finally stopped.

Not only was it a miracle that I was alive, but that I only suffered minor injuries. Poor Molly (my car) wasn't so lucky. While I had had many issues with her breaking down she stepped up that day, took one for the team, and saved my life. 

Also, shout out to Michael Jackson! I was listening to Man in the Mirror during the crash, therefore, I'm pretty sure MJ also saved my life. 

My near-death whatever really opened my eyes to how quickly everything can change. Life is crazy is like that. Carpe Diem/YOLO/live life to the fullest, because you never know when your last day will be your last. 

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